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To add CSS classname to a Grid.js instance

className type has the following properties:

container optionalclassName of the main containerstring
table optionalclassName of tablestring
td optionalclassName of the TD elementsstring
th optionalclassName of the TH elementsstring
header optionalclassName of the header containerstring
footer optionalclassName of the footer containerstring
thead optionalclassName of the thead elementstring
tbody optionalclassName of the tbody elementstring
search optionalclassName of the search containerstring
sort optionalclassName of the sort buttonstring
pagination optionalclassName of the pagination containerstring
paginationSummary optionalclassName of the pagination summarystring
paginationButton optionalclassName of pagination buttonsstring
paginationButtonNext optionalclassName of the pagination next buttonstring
paginationButtonCurrent optionalclassName of the pagination current buttonstring
paginationButtonPrev optionalclassName of the pagination previous buttonstring
loading optionalclassName of the loading containerstring
notfound optionalclassName of the empty table containerstring
error optionalclassName of the error containerstring
new Grid({
data: [
['John', '', '(353) 01 222 3333'],
['Mark', '', '(01) 22 888 4444']
className: {
td: 'my-td-class',
table: 'custom-table-class'